Dehydration for preserving

Dehydrated Cantaloupe

Dehydrated Cantaloupe, This is a great way to put away a gardens crop of, here I am all at once, cantaloupe.

I like to make sure its sweet, ripe and then I deseed them. Slice them thin and add nothing to them. Space them on a dryer rack and put on a setting of; Fruits and dehydrate till dry.

Hello, I work in my garden for many reasons, one being that I love to spend time growing my own food, this way I know what I am eating. I like seeing how the plants grow and it really takes me a couple of growing seasons to get to know the plants and how to preserve the seeds for the next growing season. However, I could never do any of this without my husband, Mr. Mike. He is a wonderful inspiration of, " come on Mom, "let's plant a garden ,it's time to plants peas first and so on.

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