Sun Flowers
Sun Flowers are so much fun to plant and I think they are very easy to grow. You can plant them anywhere because they are a hardy Flower however, the water you supply will determine the size of the plant and head of flower,(seeds). I have some yellow birds that always find my flowers and they will hang upside down to eat the seeds. They are beautiful when they come and they sing their own songs so make sure you open up a window to listen to them. You will notice that seeds will start to fall on the ground, thats when I start collecting them for next year.
Collecting Seeds: This can be done many ways. The easiest way I found is by taking a panty hose and cutting off the leg part and putting this over the head of the Sun Flower. As the seeds start to dry, they will fall off the Sun Flower Head and into the leg of the panty hose. Other ways of collecting seeds is by cutting off the head, breaking loose and taking off the seeds and putting the in a dry place so they can continue to dry. Remember, mice and birds will love to eat these when you are not looking so keep an eye on them.
Can you leave them on the head of the Sun Flower? Well surprise surprise, I did this once and it seemed to be great till I realized I had a worm eating my seeds up from underneath the seed. It was in the center of the head yet the support greens on the back of the Flower made this impossible to be seen. So, let them dry on the plant for as long as possible. Till the seed is dry and hard. I save them for next years planting.