just fun

How to catch gnats in a jar with fruit. (tomatoes)

EIMG_1336everyone at sometime or another has had gnats in their kitchen or their favorite plants. So, getting rid of them is very simple with a little jar, clear plastic, fork and a piece of banana or tomato.

1st, cut a piece of fruit off a larger piece of fruit so you can over the bottom of the jar.
2nd, tear off a piece of plastic wrap and cover top of jar.
3rd, Take fork or a tooth pick and poke a hole in the plastic wrap.
4th, Now put on your counter or in or around the plant that has gnats and watch them start filling the jar.

Remember to clean this up about every 7 to 10 days because when the piece of fruit looses its best flavor for the gnats and it will no longer appeal to them. Set up another one if the gnats are still around. This really works.
Thank you Marianne.

Hello, I work in my garden for many reasons, one being that I love to spend time growing my own food, this way I know what I am eating. I like seeing how the plants grow and it really takes me a couple of growing seasons to get to know the plants and how to preserve the seeds for the next growing season. However, I could never do any of this without my husband, Mr. Mike. He is a wonderful inspiration of, " come on Mom, "let's plant a garden ,it's time to plants peas first and so on.

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