Dehydrated Cantaloupe
Dehydrated Cantaloupe, This is a great way to put away a gardens crop of, here I am all at once, cantaloupe. I like to make sure its sweet, ripe and then I deseed them. Slice them thin and add nothing to them. Space them on a dryer rack and put on a setting of; Fruits and dehydrate till dry.
Rows of plants
Herb garden
Side Garden
Sour Cherries in a bowl
Letting green tomatoes ripen in boxes
Cucumbers on the vine
Green beans
Green Beans, A wonderful vegetable, to put in the freezer for the soups, stir fry, or any other favorite way of cooking. Picking the bean from the plant, I prefer to always keep them dry, until I am ready to rinse them for some type of preserving or cooking for a meal. Blanching is the quickest way of preserving the freshness and bright green color of your beans. Canning requires a lot more of an effort however its worth it.
Red and White potatoes in the garden.
How to make pies.
Sweet Potatoes