Sun Flowers
Sun Flowers are so much fun to plant and I think they are very easy to grow. You can plant them anywhere because they are a hardy Flower however, the water you supply will determine the size of the plant and head of flower,(seeds). I have some yellow birds that always find my flowers and they will hang upside down to eat the seeds. They are beautiful when they come and they sing their own songs so make sure you open up a window to listen to them. You will notice that seeds will start to fall on the ground, thats when I start collecting them for next year. Collecting…
Refinish wooden chairs
I love wood more than covering up a piece of furniture with paint. Refinishing furniture is a great way to take something sturdy and bring out the beauty of the wood grains. So, find that piece of furniture and make a spot for refinishing. I personally like my basement, a place you can leave your project and know its safe from all weather. Your garage would work also being thats its concrete and has good air movement.
Garden rows and mulch in garden.
Pond Crappie
Preserving the Fresh Basil for the long winter
Basil is great and I like tea. Catherine
How to catch gnats in a jar with fruit. (tomatoes)
Eeveryone at sometime or another has had gnats in their kitchen or their favorite plants. So, getting rid of them is very simple with a little jar, clear plastic, fork and a piece of banana or tomato. 1st, cut a piece of fruit off a larger piece of fruit so you can over the bottom of the jar. 2nd, tear off a piece of plastic wrap and cover top of jar. 3rd, Take fork or a tooth pick and poke a hole in the plastic wrap. 4th, Now put on your counter or in or around the plant that has gnats and watch them start filling the jar. Remember to…
Every apple is a good apple. Putting them up for the winter is a great way to save the best flavor. So, I like putting them up two ways. The first way is peeling the apples with a apple peeler corer slicer, or just the old time peeler and a paring knife. Get a big bowl and add lemon juice, about a half cup and water to about half. Then start cutting off anything bad, peel the apple. cut into four slices and cut out seeds and then slice and drop into lemon water. Now continue this process until you fill the bowl of apples up. Now that my bowl…
preserving by freezing tomatoes.
Marigolds Flowers and seeds
Pealing the skin off the pumpkn